"Joe, what books do you recommend for someone trying to quit porn?" I've heard this question so many times, so I decided to cover it on today's episode. I have listed my personal favorite books, content blockers, and websites to visit for those looking to break the addiction.
- "TINSA" - Dr. Michael Barta
- "Out of the Shadows" - Dr. Patrick Carnes
- "Open" - Craig Gross
- "Every Man's Battle" - Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker
- "Your Brain On Porn" - Gary Wilson
- "Pure Desire" - Ted Roberts
- "Holy Sexuality and the Gospel" - Christopher Yuan
"Rethining Sexuality" - Dr. Juli Slattery
Content Blockers:
- Covenant Eyes
- X3watch
- Pluck Eye
- Fortify
- Fightthenewdrug.org
- WhenIamweak.org
- XXXchurch.com
- Yourbrainonporn.com
- Nofap.com
- Defendyoungminds.org
- Changinglanesministries.com
- Purehope.net
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