Latest Episodes

Ep. 26: Codependency
When discussing addiction, you'll often hear about codependency and how addicts will take advantage of enablers in their life in their codependent marriage and...

Ep. 25: Porn and Testosterone
We know porn affects our mental and emotional health, but it also affects us physically. In this episode, Joe looks at pornography addiction's effect...

Ep. 24: Women and Porn Use
The statistics concerning porn use among women are eye-opening. Over 50% of teen girls are seeking out porn at least once a month. In...

Ep. 23: The Purpose of Sex
Why did God create us with a sex drive? What was His purpose for creating sex? Just to have kids? In this episode, Joe...

Ep. 22: Finding a Good Therapist
Therapy can be daunting and anxiety-inducing, especially if you're wondering whether you've chosen the right one. In this episode, Joe gives practical tips to...

Ep. 21: The Problem of Self-Sabotage
Have you ever known anyone who heads for the ditch when things are going good? It's almost like they can't stand things being normal...