Latest Episodes

Ep. 50: Grounding for the Spouse
One of the hardest parts of healing from porn addiction is helping the spouse heal from the betrayal and emotional wounds. To do so,...

Ep. 49: Withdrawal Symptoms
It this week's episode, Joe takes a look at common withdrawal symptoms to porn addiction and how to handle them.

Ep. 48: Confession
In this episode, Joe discusses how to confess a relapse, specifically after a long period of sobriety. In it, he shares specific tips on...

Ep. 47: NNN & Finding Motivation
In this episode, Joe discusses finding motivation wherever possible to get out of the addiction including engaging in November's 'No Nut November.'

Ep. 46: The Day to Day Life of a Porn Addict
In this episode, Joe examines what each day looks like as an addict, a person just getting sober, a person six months sober, and...

Ep. 45: Middle Circle Behaviors
Those familiar with the 12-step program will understand outer, middle, and inner circle behaviors. In this episode, Joe defines middle circle behaviors and talks...