Latest Episodes

Ep. 8: Coming Clean to Your Significant Other
Should you tell your fiancé about your porn use? How do you come clean to your wife about your addiction? Why is it so...

Ep. 7: Breaking the Shame Cycle
In this episode, Joe describes the shame cycle and why it is so detrimental to the addict. He discusses how to break free from...

Ep. 6: Accountability Partners
In this episode, Joe discusses the importance of getting accountable, what to look for in an accountability partner, and how to be one for...

Ep. 5: Basic Behavioral Change
When quitting porn, it's imperative we make some basic behavioral changes. Which ones? In this episode, Joe explores which changes will help you the...

Ep. 4: White Knuckle Change
In this episode, Joe explains white knuckle change and discusses why it doesn't work in breaking free from porn addiciton. He also explores ways...

Ep. 3: Bad Habit or Addiction?
In this episode, Joe examines whether your porn use is merely a bad habit or if it can be classified as an addiction.